Method | Description | Defined By |
__call() |
Calls the named method which is not a class method. |
yii\base\Component |
__clone() |
This method is called after the object is created by cloning an existing one. |
yii\base\Component |
__construct() |
lispa\amos\notificationmanager\record\NotifyRecord |
__get() |
PHP getter magic method. |
yii\db\BaseActiveRecord |
__isset() |
Checks if a property value is null. |
yii\db\BaseActiveRecord |
__set() |
PHP setter magic method. |
yii\db\BaseActiveRecord |
__toString() |
lispa\amos\core\record\Record |
__unset() |
Sets a component property to be null. |
yii\db\BaseActiveRecord |
activateUserProfile() |
This method activate a user profile with activation of the relative user. |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
activeAttributes() |
Returns the attribute names that are subject to validation in the current scenario. |
yii\base\Model |
addError() |
Adds a new error to the specified attribute. |
yii\base\Model |
addErrors() |
Adds a list of errors. |
yii\base\Model |
afterDelete() |
This method is invoked after deleting a record. |
yii\db\BaseActiveRecord |
afterFind() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
afterRefresh() |
This method is called when the AR object is refreshed. |
yii\db\BaseActiveRecord |
afterSave() |
Override Required for cache |
lispa\amos\core\record\Record |
afterValidate() |
This method is invoked after validation ends. |
yii\base\Model |
attachBehavior() |
Attaches a behavior to this component. |
yii\base\Component |
attachBehaviors() |
Attaches a list of behaviors to the component. |
yii\base\Component |
attributeHints() |
Returns the attribute hints. |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
attributeLabels() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
attributes() |
Returns the list of all attribute names of the model. |
yii\db\ActiveRecord |
basicFind() |
Base query, it INCLUDE deleted elements |
lispa\amos\core\record\Record |
beforeDelete() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
beforeSave() |
Override for demos |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
beforeValidate() |
This method is invoked before validation starts. |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
behaviors() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
canGetProperty() |
Returns a value indicating whether a property can be read. |
yii\db\BaseActiveRecord |
canSetProperty() |
Returns a value indicating whether a property can be set. |
yii\db\BaseActiveRecord |
canUseModuleOrder() |
Check if there is an order variable for the module |
lispa\amos\core\record\Record |
checkAnomimo() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
checkCodiceFiscale() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
checkPrivacy() |
Custom validation form "privacy" field |
lispa\amos\admin\models\base\UserProfile |
className() |
Returns the fully qualified name of this class. |
yii\base\Object |
clearErrors() |
Removes errors for all attributes or a single attribute. |
yii\base\Model |
createOrderClause() |
lispa\amos\notificationmanager\record\NotifyRecord |
createValidators() |
Creates validator objects based on the validation rules specified in rules(). |
yii\base\Model |
deactivateUserProfile() |
This method deactivate a user profile with deactivation of the relative user. |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
delete() |
Deletes the table row corresponding to this active record. |
yii\db\ActiveRecord |
deleteAll() |
Deletes rows in the table using the provided conditions. |
yii\db\ActiveRecord |
detachBehavior() |
Detaches a behavior from the component. |
yii\base\Component |
detachBehaviorByClassName() |
This method detach a behavior from the model. |
lispa\amos\core\record\Record |
detachBehaviors() |
Detaches all behaviors from the component. |
yii\base\Component |
detachBehaviorsOnWhiteList() |
lispa\amos\core\record\Record |
ensureBehaviors() |
Makes sure that the behaviors declared in behaviors() are attached to this component. |
yii\base\Component |
equals() |
Returns a value indicating whether the given active record is the same as the current one. |
yii\db\ActiveRecord |
fields() |
Returns the list of fields that should be returned by default by toArray() when no specific fields are specified. |
yii\base\ArrayableTrait |
find() |
Creates an yii\db\ActiveQueryInterface instance for query purpose. |
yii\db\ActiveRecord |
findAll() |
Returns a list of active record models that match the specified primary key value(s) or a set of column values. |
yii\db\BaseActiveRecord |
findBehaviorByClassName() |
This method find a behavior from the model. |
lispa\amos\core\record\Record |
findBySql() |
Creates an yii\db\ActiveQuery instance with a given SQL statement. |
yii\db\ActiveRecord |
findOne() |
Returns a single active record model instance by a primary key or an array of column values. |
yii\db\BaseActiveRecord |
formName() |
Returns the form name that this model class should use. |
yii\base\Model |
generateAttributeLabel() |
Generates a user friendly attribute label based on the give attribute name. |
yii\base\Model |
getActiveValidators() |
Returns the validators applicable to the current $scenario. |
yii\base\Model |
getAdminWorkflowEvent() |
This method return new instance of AdminWorkflowEvent |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
getAllFacilitatorUserProfiles() |
Method that returns all facilitators users present in the system. |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
getAllUtentiFacilitatori() |
Funzione che restituisce tutti gli utenti facilitatori presenti nel sistema |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
getAttribute() |
Returns the named attribute value. |
yii\db\BaseActiveRecord |
getAttributeHint() |
Returns the text hint for the specified attribute. |
yii\db\BaseActiveRecord |
getAttributeLabel() |
Returns the text label for the specified attribute. |
yii\db\BaseActiveRecord |
getAttributes() |
Returns attribute values. |
yii\base\Model |
getAvatar() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
getAvatarImage() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
getAvatarUrl() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
getAvatarWebUrl() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
getBehavior() |
Returns the named behavior object. |
yii\base\Component |
getBehaviors() |
Returns all behaviors attached to this component. |
yii\base\Component |
getCampiConsigliati() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
getCategory() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
getCompletamentoProfilo() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
getComuneResidenza() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\base\UserProfile |
getContatti() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
getContattiNomeCognome() |
Restituisce il nome e il cognome dei contatti dell'utente |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
getCreatedAt() |
lispa\amos\myactivities\basic\UserProfileToValidate |
getCreatedUserProfile() |
lispa\amos\core\record\Record |
getCreatorNameSurname() |
lispa\amos\myactivities\basic\UserProfileToValidate |
getCwhValidationStatuses() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
getDb() |
Returns the database connection used by this AR class. |
yii\db\ActiveRecord |
getDefaultFacilitator() |
This method returns the default facilitator profile. If not present it returns null. |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
getDeletedUserProfile() |
lispa\amos\core\record\Record |
getDescription() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
getDirtyAttributes() |
Returns the attribute values that have been modified since they are loaded or saved most recently. |
yii\db\BaseActiveRecord |
getDomicilioComune() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\base\UserProfile |
getDomicilioProvincia() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\base\UserProfile |
getDraftStatus() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
getErrors() |
Returns the errors for all attributes or a single attribute. |
yii\base\Model |
getFacilitatorOrDefFacilitator() |
This method return the facilitator profile of this user profile. If not present,
it return the default facilitator profile. If not present it return null. |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
getFacilitatore() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\base\UserProfile |
getFirstError() |
Returns the first error of the specified attribute. |
yii\base\Model |
getFirstErrors() |
Returns the first error of every attribute in the model. |
yii\base\Model |
getFullViewUrl() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
getGrammar() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
getGridViewColumns() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
getIconaMarker() |
Restituisce il percorso del marker, da personalizzare a piacimento |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
getIndirizzoCompleto() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
getIsNewRecord() |
Returns a value indicating whether the current record is new. |
yii\db\BaseActiveRecord |
getIterator() |
Returns an iterator for traversing the attributes in the model. |
yii\base\Model |
getLogoImg() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
getNascitaComuni() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\base\UserProfile |
getNascitaNazioni() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\base\UserProfile |
getNascitaProvince() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\base\UserProfile |
getNomeCognome() |
Restituisce il nome e cognome degli utenti |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
getNotifiedUserId() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
getNotifier() |
lispa\amos\notificationmanager\record\NotifyRecord |
getOldAttribute() |
Returns the old value of the named attribute. |
yii\db\BaseActiveRecord |
getOldAttributes() |
Returns the old attribute values. |
yii\db\BaseActiveRecord |
getOldPrimaryKey() |
Returns the old primary key value(s). |
yii\db\BaseActiveRecord |
getOrderAttributesLabels() |
Array of fields => labels for the ORDER form
see "_order.php" file |
lispa\amos\core\record\Record |
getPluginWidgetClassname() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
getPrevalentPartnership() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\base\UserProfile |
getPrimaryKey() |
Returns the primary key value(s). |
yii\db\BaseActiveRecord |
getProvinciaResidenza() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\base\UserProfile |
getPublicatedAt() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
getPublicatedFrom() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
getRelatedRecords() |
Returns all populated related records. |
yii\db\BaseActiveRecord |
getRelation() |
Returns the relation object with the specified name. |
yii\db\BaseActiveRecord |
getResidenzaComune() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
getResidenzaNazione() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\base\UserProfile |
getResidenzaProvincia() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
getRuolos() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
getScenario() |
Returns the scenario that this model is used in. |
yii\base\Model |
getSearchString() |
lispa\amos\myactivities\basic\UserProfileToValidate |
getSexValues() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\base\UserProfile |
getSexValuesForSelect() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\base\UserProfile |
getShortDescription() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
getSocialAuthUsers() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\base\UserProfile |
getStatsToolbar() |
lispa\amos\core\record\Record |
getSurnameName() |
Get the the user name format Surname + name |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
getTableSchema() |
Returns the schema information of the DB table associated with this AR class. |
yii\db\ActiveRecord |
getTags() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\base\UserProfile |
getTitle() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
getToValidateStatus() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
getUpdatedAt() |
lispa\amos\myactivities\basic\UserProfileToValidate |
getUpdatedUserProfile() |
lispa\amos\core\record\Record |
getUser() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
getUserNetworkAssociationQuery() |
Get the UserProfiles to invite or with pending invitation (for logged user) |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
getUserNetworkQuery() |
Get the logged user contact |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
getUserProfileAgeGroup() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\base\UserProfile |
getUserProfileArea() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\base\UserProfile |
getUserProfileImage() |
Getter for $this->userProfileImage; |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
getUserProfileReactivationRequest() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\base\UserProfile |
getUserProfileRole() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\base\UserProfile |
getUserProfileStatiCivili() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\base\UserProfile |
getUserProfileStatuses() |
Metodo recuperare tutti gli stati da visualizzare nel widget di scelta degli stati. RItorna un array chiave => valore
con chiave l'id dello stato e valore lo stato da visualizzare. |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
getUserProfileTagMms() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\base\UserProfile |
getUserProfileTitoliStudio() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\base\UserProfile |
getUtenteByCodiceFiscale() |
Funzione che verifica l'esistenza o meno del codice fiscale all'interno del sistema |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
getValidatedStatus() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
getValidatorRole() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
getValidatorUsersId() |
Method return user ids of record validators |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
getValidators() |
Returns all the validators declared in rules(). |
yii\base\Model |
getVerificaUtenteProprio() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
getViewUrl() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
getWidgetsSelectedToArray() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
getWorkflowStatusLabel() |
This method return the correct workflow status label. It checks if the workflow behavior is present,
then checks if the model has a workflow status and return the correct label. |
lispa\amos\core\record\Record |
getWrappedObject() |
lispa\amos\myactivities\basic\UserProfileToValidate |
globalSearchTags() |
This method is called by search module to fetch results matching one or more tags |
lispa\amos\core\record\Record |
hasAttribute() |
Returns a value indicating whether the model has an attribute with the specified name. |
yii\db\BaseActiveRecord |
hasErrors() |
Returns a value indicating whether there is any validation error. |
yii\base\Model |
hasEventHandlers() |
Returns a value indicating whether there is any handler attached to the named event. |
yii\base\Component |
hasMany() |
Declares a has-many relation. |
yii\db\BaseActiveRecord |
hasMethod() |
Returns a value indicating whether a method is defined. |
yii\base\Component |
hasOne() |
Declares a has-one relation. |
yii\db\BaseActiveRecord |
hasProperty() |
Returns a value indicating whether a property is defined for this component. |
yii\base\Component |
hasRole() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
init() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
initOrderVars() |
Init the order variables from the module config |
lispa\amos\core\record\Record |
insert() |
Inserts a row into the associated database table using the attribute values of this record. |
yii\db\ActiveRecord |
instantiate() |
Creates an active record instance. |
yii\db\BaseActiveRecord |
isActive() |
This method check if a user profile is active. |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
isAttributeActive() |
Returns a value indicating whether the attribute is active in the current scenario. |
yii\base\Model |
isAttributeChanged() |
Returns a value indicating whether the named attribute has been changed. |
yii\db\BaseActiveRecord |
isAttributeRequired() |
Returns a value indicating whether the attribute is required. |
yii\base\Model |
isAttributeSafe() |
Returns a value indicating whether the attribute is safe for massive assignments. |
yii\base\Model |
isDeactivated() |
This method check if a user profile is deactivated. |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
isDemo() |
Check is demo environment |
lispa\amos\core\record\Record |
isEnabledCwh() |
lispa\amos\core\record\Record |
isEnabledModule() |
lispa\amos\core\record\Record |
isEnabledTag() |
lispa\amos\core\record\Record |
isFacilitator() |
This method return true if the user passed by param is a facilitator. |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
isGoogleContact() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
isNews() |
lispa\amos\notificationmanager\record\NotifyRecord |
isPrimaryKey() |
Returns a value indicating whether the given set of attributes represents the primary key for this model |
yii\db\BaseActiveRecord |
isRelationPopulated() |
Check whether the named relation has been populated with records. |
yii\db\BaseActiveRecord |
isTransactional() |
Returns a value indicating whether the specified operation is transactional in the current $scenario. |
yii\db\ActiveRecord |
link() |
Establishes the relationship between two models. |
yii\db\BaseActiveRecord |
load() |
Populates the model with input data. |
yii\base\Model |
loadDefaultValues() |
Loads default values from database table schema |
yii\db\ActiveRecord |
loadMultiple() |
Populates a set of models with the data from end user. |
yii\base\Model |
markAttributeDirty() |
Marks an attribute dirty. |
yii\db\BaseActiveRecord |
off() |
Detaches an existing event handler from this component. |
yii\base\Component |
offsetExists() |
Returns whether there is an element at the specified offset. |
yii\db\BaseActiveRecord |
offsetGet() |
Returns the element at the specified offset. |
yii\base\Model |
offsetSet() |
Sets the element at the specified offset. |
yii\base\Model |
offsetUnset() |
Sets the element value at the specified offset to null. |
yii\db\BaseActiveRecord |
on() |
Attaches an event handler to an event. |
yii\base\Component |
onUnsafeAttribute() |
This method is invoked when an unsafe attribute is being massively assigned. |
yii\base\Model |
optimisticLock() |
Returns the name of the column that stores the lock version for implementing optimistic locking. |
yii\db\BaseActiveRecord |
populateRecord() |
Populates an active record object using a row of data from the database/storage. |
yii\db\ActiveRecord |
populateRelation() |
Populates the named relation with the related records. |
yii\db\BaseActiveRecord |
primaryKey() |
Returns the primary key name(s) for this AR class. |
yii\db\ActiveRecord |
refresh() |
Repopulates this active record with the latest data. |
yii\db\BaseActiveRecord |
renameFormNamesAndIds() |
This method return an array of array. The array keys are all the model fields
and the values are arrays with "name! and "id" keys modified with the string
contained in the param. The return array structure is the following:
$newNameAndIds = [
'FIELD_NAME_1' => [
'name' => 'NEW_NAME',
'id' => 'NEW_ID'
. |
lispa\amos\core\record\Record |
representingColumn() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
rules() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
safeAttributes() |
Returns the attribute names that are safe to be massively assigned in the current scenario. |
yii\base\Model |
save() |
Saves the current record. |
yii\db\BaseActiveRecord |
scenarios() |
Returns a list of scenarios and the corresponding active attributes. |
lispa\amos\admin\models\base\UserProfile |
sendNotification() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
setAccettazionePrivacy() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
setAttribute() |
Sets the named attribute value. |
yii\db\BaseActiveRecord |
setAttributes() |
Sets the attribute values in a massive way. |
yii\base\Model |
setIsNewRecord() |
Sets the value indicating whether the record is new. |
yii\db\BaseActiveRecord |
setNotifier() |
lispa\amos\notificationmanager\record\NotifyRecord |
setOldAttribute() |
Sets the old value of the named attribute. |
yii\db\BaseActiveRecord |
setOldAttributes() |
Sets the old attribute values. |
yii\db\BaseActiveRecord |
setOrderAttribute() |
Set order field |
lispa\amos\core\record\Record |
setOrderAttributes() |
Set the list of fields order for this module |
lispa\amos\core\record\Record |
setOrderType() |
Set order type: ascending (SORT_ASC), descending (SORT_DESC) |
lispa\amos\core\record\Record |
setOrderVars() |
Identifies the sort fields |
lispa\amos\core\record\Record |
setRuoli() |
Salva i ruoili |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
setScenario() |
Sets the scenario for the model. |
yii\base\Model |
setUserProfileImage() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
setWidgetsSelectedFromArray() |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |
tableName() |
Declares the name of the database table associated with this AR class. |
yii\db\ActiveRecord |
toArray() |
Converts the model into an array. |
yii\base\ArrayableTrait |
toStringWithCharLimit() |
lispa\amos\core\record\Record |
transactions() |
Declares which DB operations should be performed within a transaction in different scenarios. |
yii\db\ActiveRecord |
trigger() |
Triggers an event. |
yii\base\Component |
unlink() |
Destroys the relationship between two models. |
yii\db\BaseActiveRecord |
unlinkAll() |
Destroys the relationship in current model. |
yii\db\BaseActiveRecord |
update() |
Saves the changes to this active record into the associated database table. |
yii\db\ActiveRecord |
updateAll() |
Updates the whole table using the provided attribute values and conditions. |
yii\db\ActiveRecord |
updateAllCounters() |
Updates the whole table using the provided counter changes and conditions. |
yii\db\ActiveRecord |
updateAttributes() |
Updates the specified attributes. |
yii\db\BaseActiveRecord |
updateCounters() |
Updates one or several counter columns for the current AR object. |
yii\db\BaseActiveRecord |
validate() |
Performs the data validation. |
yii\base\Model |
validateMultiple() |
Validates multiple models. |
yii\base\Model |
verificaCodiceFiscale() |
Funzione che verifica la correttezza del codice fiscale |
lispa\amos\admin\models\UserProfile |